Hello, my name is Kenny Gorman. I dig database systems, data, streaming data, development, and being an Entrepreneur. I love vi, Python, MongoDB, Apache Flink, PostgreSQL, and, yes, the Oracle RDBMS.
At MongoDB, as Head of Streaming Systems, I work on creating useful and powerful streaming and stream processing components centered around MongoDB and the MongoDB development community.
I was previously the Co-founder and CEO at Eventador.io in Austin, TX. Eventador.io is an enterprise-grade streaming data platform that allows you to write, deploy, and manage stream processing at massive scale. Eventador was acquired in 2020 by Cloudera Inc.
I was previously Chief Technologist; Data - Office of the CTO at Rackspace and Co-Founder of ObjectRocket; a MongoDB as a Service. In 2012, ObjectRocket was acquired by Rackspace.
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